Monday, 28 December 2009

Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups? (Question 2)

The social group/type of people that my website represents are people who care about the environment. The issue it represents is global warming. It represents the issue through the use of images, photography and text on the subject. The photographs we have used are of a high quality (resolution) and they were taken with my own camera while on a trip. There is a slideshow on the gallery page, which shows pictures from a Antarctica Expedition Trip that I went on a few years ago. I have represented the issue by showing the melting of ice caps and showing species that would be lost due to climate change such as the seal and penguin.The style of language that I used in the website addresses my target audience in a formal way but is not overly packed with long scientific words, it has the correct amount of proportion of the two so it can be read by any person who is interested in global warming.

Hopefully the combination of the pictures, the layout and the text should produce a successful website. Age may be a key factor for the design and layout of our website ( The layout is very easy to read and understand which makes it easy for the young and old. I have done this by making sure the colours are not too bright so it looks childish, but the colours have been carefully selected to look sophisticated and to suit the theme of my website that is environmental.

The construction of my website is to represent the people who are also trying to stop climate change and global warming. Our website will help people understand all there is to know about global warming. This is done on the website by the interactive front page which allows you to find your way around the globe by finding the hyperlink that best fits your needs, (if a student wanted to research the facts about global warming, then that student could come on my website and interact and learn very easily and enjoyably)

The layout of the pages of the websites are very aesthetically pleasing, this is so it can be easily read and taken in by any type of person of any age. This was one of the key points that my partner and I took in to consideration a few times so that we could get the correct and appropriate layout. We also had a little trouble with what colours to use and what colour would once again be appropriate. I believe that now we have the best colour possible and it fits the websites needs perfectly.

Question 3

What Kind of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product and Why? (Question 3)

What server will you use, and how will you have the site publicised?

The website is distributed via the WWW and the organistaion producing the website will often pay a hosting company to store the files on their server.

The prices that it costs for you to host of a website can be from nothing for you may be the only provider of the website, or if you have someone else to host it, it may scale from £10 – £100 per month for local hosting, for very big companies you never really know for there is so much legal issues behind it.

Domain names are a human friendly version of a website address. By this I mean that if we did not have a domain name then the website would be a load of numbers that no I.T guru could understand.

When choosing your Domain name you should select a term people will use to search for your site. Most obviously, this could be your brand or personal name.

A domain name makes up the address of your site and can end in .com, .net, .org, Info, .us, .biz, and more.

You can register your domain names with big name companies like and, it does not really matter who you register with for they all provide the same service but different prices.The web server that I am going to use to publish my website will be Apache. I have chosen this web server because it seems to be one of the most commonly used servers within the Internet. And of its high reputation, I feel that it was right to use this server. Using, I compiled some research and when I searched a certain website, for example, Apache would be the server that came more frequently than others and therefore I believe that it would be a very reliable server.

I will have the website publicised through as they are service provider that can make my site visible and searchable. The way I would make my website visible and searchable through ‘Google’ is to go onto the site and type in the search box “how to make Google find my website” and then click onto the first link. Once that page has loaded up, I will then click on the link that reads, which will then take me to the page where I will be able to make my website visible to the world.

Question 4

Who Would the Audience be for your Media Product? (Question 4)

The audience for our website would be adults from 25+ and definitely people who are 'carers' that are concerned about society and the environment. I conducted a questionnaire, which I then handed out to people of all ages, ethnicity, gender etc (randomly).

I then got the results back and it showed me that people from the ages of 15 up to 65 would like to look at a website about global warming in their own time. I believe that this is because the effects, causes and ways to prevent at home of global warming are not in any other websites or within reach of a person to find out about, and I am trying to change this factor. And I feel that producing this website will hopefully help to change peoples views about global warming and hopefully it will make people follow the guide set by my website and make a difference. I do understand though that it's difficult to produce a site that targets every age group and type of person so I'm going to focus on 25 - 35 carers.

With the factor of the different types of ages that my website attracts, the questionnaire also asked people what they would like to see within my website. From the reaction I got from the questionnaire I have tried to fit as much as I can within my website to cater for everybody’s ideas and thoughts, I have done this to please all types of people. Some of the ideas were having limited amount of writing to make it easier to understand and a diagram of where the places in the worlds are producing a higher carbon footprint than others.

Below shows two of the results in a pie chart format:

I asked 34 people from around my area for their opinions on whether global warming is an important factor at the moment and the results came back that 85% of the people I asked feel that Global Warming is an important factor. Here is the evidence of my results:

I also asked the same 34 people whether they turn off their electrical appliances when they’re not using them. From these results, I have realised that turning of your electrical appliances isn’t going to help save Global Warming because out of the 34 people 41% of them said they do and 50% say them sometimes do. Here is the evidence of the results:

Along with asking them those two questions, I also asked them to leave a little comment at the bottom of the questionnaire on what they would like to se within a Global Warming website. From the feedback we got, I have tried to add at least one of the ideas into my website. One of the ladies I asked came back with a point of letting people know what the main causes and effects of Global Warming are and from that point I have tried to put that into my website as much as possible.

Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience? (Question 5)

The way in which my website attracts the audience is simply cut down to a few factors. The language is very distinctive in the sense of how it attracts and makes people want to read on, it does this by using several cliffhangers from layout to layout, it is also a very easy text to understand. This is good as it is understandable for any type of reader, (the website is not overly loaded with facts and difficult scientific words that any ordinary person would understand, for instance instead of using long winded equations to how global warming started and is occurring, our website would offer sentences broken up so that it is easier for the reader to understand.

The colour of the font is pretty basic (black/dark grey) as I felt that making the colour of the font bright and colourful would make it seem a bit childish.

The positioning of the writing on the page is different and quite exciting and original. The writing is positioned next to the pictures (which I have taken, which show photos from Antarctica, showing the melting of ice etc). i feel that this is good as each picture relates to each section of writing, for example on the consequences page where it is linked to loss of sea mammals such as seals (picture of a seal next to the paragraph) this was quite a risk when I first started as it would either look

really good or really bad. I feel that it has worked and looks aesthetically pleasing and it is a sophisticated look to the website.

Other things that have been added to my website to attract people are such things as rollovers, novelties, font sizes etc. These are nothing major, but they are items that all consist of making the website function, and stand out. But one of the most attracting

things about my website is the opening page. It is unique and i feel that it is a good opening page and would hopefully draw more peoples attention to global warming and also enjoy the process of going through my website.

Another main attraction to my website in my eyes is the gallery section and the About Us page, this page has a interview with the local council representative. I feel that this is good and shows a different view on global warming that what most people think of. I hope all these efforts work well and change peoples views on global warming.

I expect the people who visit my website to be happy with the content and knowledge that is behind it. I would also be very pleased if the audience appreciated the presentation and layout of the website as the pictures and editing took a long time, but it was hopefully worth it in the end as the aesthetics are a key point of my website.

Some of the feedback has been that it might work better for a younger target audience and I can see why people would say that. I think that people aged 25+ would still like the site as something different though because they can get the facts quickly without having to read pages. They can also easily donate as the site is uncomplicated.

Question 6

What Have You Learnt About the Technologies from the Process of Constructing this Product? (Question 6)

The things that I have learnt from constructing my product have been very useful in the process and will help me in the future. The things that I have learnt (and how/why they have helped me) are:

Photoshop: Even though I already knew how to use Photoshop quite well before, I picked up a various amount of skills that I did not know before. For instance I did not know how to alter fonts on Photoshop, but now I do. I can now change/alter the colour of the fonts to match the colour of my background or a picture. I have used this in my front page of the website.

iWeb: The construction of my website was down to the programme iWeb. I had never come across this programme before, but over the past months I have adapted to using it. I am happy with my efforts as when I first started using iWeb , I found it rather tricky to use, as I was not familiar with Apple software.

Layout: I have re-designed the layout to my website several times, I feel that this change is good and for the best of my website. Even though it took a lot of time, I know it looks better and suits the website more appropriately.

I hope that all these new skills that i have learnt through these new technologies have made my website a aesthetically pleasing and knowledgeable website.

Question 7

Looking Back at Your Preliminary Task, What Do You Feel You Have Learnt in the Progression From it to the Full Product? (Question 7)

From looking back at my preliminary task, I like to think I have learnt a lot about the software I have been using and the web servers that that I could have used if I wished to make my website fully functional and visible to the whole world.

The software I have used to create my website is Apple iWeb. The programme is designed to create and build websites, which is why the rest of my class and I, have used it to make our websites. The programme has many features that are easily operated however, the website had to be made from scratch and therefore we were unable to use the templates that were already set up on the software. This made it harder to use the programme as I didn’t know how to use it, but at the same time it allowed me to explore it and understand it a lot better than I would have, if I were to have used a template and all the easily functional applications.

Also, I feel I have developed my knowledge on how to create a fully functional and aesthetically pleasing website. Since the preliminary task, I have had to do research on other websites that are linked to the topic I have chosen, which allowed me to see the best ways on how to make the website to look nice, but at the same time still manage to get the information across that I wanted. In addition to this, it made me realise how hard it is to create websites, because the software I am using is very basic and the software the professionals use is of a higher standard and is a lot more complex.

Sunday, 27 December 2009

Industry Research

Who hosts websites?

The website hosts are the people or organizations who design the website for the main operators and people who use the website, but there are many occasions where the designers wish for another group or website to host it for it may be too much to manage, so the answer is really it could be anyone who is in direct contact with the company or organization behind it.

How much does it cost?

The prices that it costs for you to become a host of a website can be from nothing for you may be the only provider of the website, or if you have someone else to host it, it may scale from £10 – £100 per month for local hosting, for very big companies you never really know for there is so much legal issues behind it.

What is a domain name and how would you register one?

Domain names are a human friendly version of a website address. By this I mean that if we did not have a domain name then the website would be a load of numbers that no I.T guru could understand,

When choosing your Domain name you should select a term people will use to search for your site. Most obviously, this could be your brand or personal name.

A domain name makes up the address of your site and can end in .com, .net, .org, Info, .us, .biz, and more.

You can register your domain names with big name companies like and, it does not really matter who you register with for they all provide the same service but different prices.

Sketches of Website

This picture below is a sketch of the website layout that i will use in the majority of my slides. i feel that it looks good and it will benefit well from the other aspects of my website. It is different to the one above as i drew the photo below at a later date with more knowledge and ideas on what the layout should be for my website.

Saturday, 26 December 2009

Story Board

This is the story board for the short film i will be producing for my website. It will most probably alter to my final product but my drawings hopefully show a rough outline to what my film will be about and how it is shown.

Friday, 25 December 2009

Photos Used in Website

These are the photos I've taken for my site to represent the effects of global warming and climate change. I have done this by showing the melting of ice caps and showing species that would be lost due to climate change such as the seal and penguin. The photos were taken on a school trip to the Antarctic. I think they have worked well as they are pictures that are interesting and show a sense of beauty through the landscapes and nature of Antarctica.

Monday, 21 December 2009

Logo design draft


I've designed this logo to try and portray the global scale of the climate change in a visual format. I've included links within the logo on the welcome page, which increases the overall interactivity of my site. The colour scheme follows that of the conventional image of a globe to appeal to a wider audience.

I designed this logo using Adobe Photoshop, I used a Photoshop brush and layered one brush ontop of another to create the green and blue coloured effect.

The font on this logo helps connote the decay of the globe due to climate change and helps highlight that the issue is real in a visual way. The colour scheme of the font follows that of the logo, which makes it aesthetically pleasing.

If I were to redesign this logo I would try to give the globe a 3D feel which would give the image more depth. I could also have worked to try to make the globe an animation and make the logo spin around on an axis to heighten the interactivity of the site.

Sunday, 20 December 2009

Friday, 13 November 2009

Audience Profile

In terms of age, the audience that my website is going to be targeted at are between 25-50. They are people who care about the world and the environment, probably educated to degree level. They may also be classified as Guardian readers who are interested in politics, current affairs and social issues.

The layout is easy to navigate and clearly sets out the issues and what individuals can do to help. The colours have been carefully selected to look sophisticated and to connote the theme of my website that is environmental.

The theme of my website is to represent the people who are also trying to stop climate change and global warming. Our website will help people understand all there is to know about global warming. This is done on the website by the interactive front page which allows you to find your way around the globe by finding the hyperlink that best fits your needs.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Survey Results

Survey Results:

My survey showed statistics that I did not think would come up and some statistics that were easily predictable:

Do you think Global Warming is an important factor?

85% of the people I asked said YES

0% of the people I asked said NO

3% of the people I asked said MAYBE

12% of the people I asked said NOT BOTHERED

Do you turn off your electrical appliances when you’re not using them?

41% of the people I asked said YES

3% of the people I asked said NO

50% of the people I asked said SOMETIMES

6% of the people I asked said ALL THE TIME

0% % of the people I asked said HARDLY EVER

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Audience Survey Sample

Name: __________________________________________

Age: ____________________

Gender: Male/Female

Please fill in the survey provided, and circle the required answers if appropriate.

What is your postcode? For example BR6


What are your religious beliefs?


How much do you earn a year?

10,000 – 20,000

30,000 – 50,000

60,000 – 100,000


What is your current relationship status?





What is your current occupation?







Do you use any of these websites regularly?

How many times do you use these a day- 0 1 2 3 4 5+ 0 1 2 3 4 5+ 0 1 2 3 4 5+ 0 1 2 3 4 5+ 0 1 2 3 4 5+ 0 1 2 3 4 5+

Do you think Global Warming is an important factor?

Please circle the most appropriate answer-




Not Bothered

How often do you use the Internet?

Please circle the most appropriate answer-

0-2 times a day

3-4 times a day

5-6 times a day

7+ times a day

Do you turn off your electrical appliances when you’re not using them?

Please circle the appropriate answer(s)




All the Time

Hardly Ever

What would you like to see within a Global Warming website?

Please write in as much detail what you would like to see-








Thank-you for your time!

Monday, 9 November 2009

4cs Survey Results

Priority: Status

Characterisation: Aspirer

You are a person of strong ambition and aspiration to succeed, with big ideas and plans for the future. You strive to excel and be recognised for who and what you are.

You care a lot about others’ opinions, and being aware that others judge you by the way you look, you pay a lot of attention to your personal appearance. With excellent social instincts and ability to please, together with a desire for attention, admiration and applause, you make an special effort to be noticed.

Your creativity is expressed in appreciation of beautiful things, comfort, luxury and elegance, and maybe a self-indulgent, extravagant tendency, dreaming of fantastic, exotic faraway places and lifestyles.

You create your own image and persona, imaginative and complex. You are attracted to charisma, sparkle and shine – glittering occasions, people and places. Fashionable and trendy, but also fun and friendly. Dreams do come true!

Main Priority: Control

Characterisation: Succeeder

You are powered by a strong goal orientation; your long term growth plans backed up by the confidence of high self-worth. The underlying aim of your drive is duration and stability, a desire for lasting personal achievement. It’s possible that you have a forward plan of your life worked out, and think in terms of strategic moves towards willed outcomes.

Your creativity works in a process of simplifying complexity – cutting through ambiguity and extraneous complication, organising solutions. And in finding ways to express your conclusions in down-to-earth examples from personal experience.

You do need to be the captain of your ship, separate from the mass of people - and to enjoy the rewards of success as well as the symbols of prestige that inspire the achievement of life goals. You may feel an attraction to things that have lasted for a long time – well-aged single-malt whisky can be one example, a tendency to align yourself with the local political and social establishment another.

You are particularly aware of the importance of inter-personal communications. Socially you feel most at ease with individuals who share your Control priority, but on some level you may need a more caring and protective antidote to the stress and suppression involved in your drive toward success.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Website Brief

Media Studies


I will be producing a website that will be about the causes and effects of Global Warming. These are the titles of the pages below;

About Us



How to Prevent at Home,



Donate Page

What is the website going to be about?

The website will present Global Warming and its factors and effects on the world. The website will educate people on Global Warming and give people key tips to what they can do to help prevent Global Warming at home.


My website is going to try and educate people on Global Warming and hopefully it will be a very helpful, useful and aesthetically pleasing website that caters for all users, ranging from young children to the older generation. This is so that the website can be used by all types of people and the users can actually take note of the point on what we are trying to portray in our website.

What we are trying to achieve from producing our website

We hope to achieve to widen people’s knowledge on Global Warming. Hopefully we will achieve this with helpful pictures from a trip to Antarctica to show melting of the ice caps and useful information that will shock people. This will hopefully change the way they live so they can care more for the environment and the effects people have on the rest of the world.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Sunday, 20 September 2009

250 word review on media

My perceptions of media studies when I first started the course were that media would be challenging in some aspects, and I was correct. I find the parts about learning about different camera shots and their nicknames quite difficult to remember, but with revision I feel that it is something I can get the hang of.

My perceptions have changed to Media Studies as I thought that it would be hard have changed slightly; it is more of a challenging subject than a difficult subject.

I think that my storyboard work was good and up to a good standard, I felt confident with the subject it was on as it was considered more enjoyable than a hard homework set.

I do not really understand what all the different camera angles are (shortened versions e.g. MS = medium shot)

From watching the DVD on Casino Royale and how the sound was created, I learnt that it takes a lot more time and effort creating the sound effects that you take for granted when you watch a film. For example there was a part where James Bond (Daniel Craig) was walking along a crane, but because you could not hear his footsteps, and the breathing, the sound editors had to edit this sound in after the shot was taken. This does not sound that amazing, but the time and effort put in is shown in the film.

In the short film we watched, I appreciated the cameras actions as it filmed the scenes in a very different way to other films. For instance in the very first shot when the young boy is skipping through the woods, he is not a clear figure (as he is a ghost) and as he slowly skips in to the middle of the camera angle where you can eventually see all of his body and facial expressions. This shows me all the possibilities and creativeness that you can do with a camera